RESIST! So many ways to get involved in our communities…

Congress is heading home for 2 weeks. Here’s everything you need to resist:

Opportunities to derail the attacks on working families and push forward to achieve our Vision for a Just Society.


  • Sign Our Stand Up, Show Up Petition: Pledge to stand up and show up against congressional Republican leaders’ agenda that further rigs our economy and democracy against working families.Click here to sign.
  • Call Congress: 855-614-6085. Say “no” to a deportation force. A deportation force would tear families apart and cost the United States billions of dollars. Tell Congress this is not what our families and communities need.

Important Dates in April and May:

  • April 19—SEIU National Day of Action
  • April 29—People’s Climate March
  • May 1—May Day Immigration Actions


Sign up today to be a part of the #RESIST Rapid Response Team / En Español Abajo

Click here to be a part of SEIU Local 99’s RESIST Rapid Response Team.

Healthcare is on the chopping block in Congress. Even those of us with health coverage from our employer will be affected. If the ACA is overturned without a better plan in place, it will bring chaos to the insurance markets. We want legislators to show us their plan to improve care for every American.

Be sure to click here to check out our “ICE: Know Your Rights!” information.

Immigrants are being unjustly detained and families are being ripped apart. Entire neighborhoods are terrified and frustrated with policies that do nothing to increase safety or the strength of our economy.

Our latest Supreme Court justice has undermined laws protecting the environment, workers’ rights and safety. He has consistently ruled against working people in support of wealthy corporations.

Join with your co-workers and others in the community who are standing up and showing up to tell our leaders in Washington, D.C. what we need in our communities.

We accomplish a lot when we unite and take action together.

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Haga clic aquí para formar parte del Equipo Resiste de Acción Rápida de SEIU Local 99.

Asegúrese de hacer clic aquí para ver nuestro “ICE: ¡Conozca sus derechos!” información.

El cuidado de salud está en la mira de recortes del Congreso. Incluso aquellos de nosotros con cobertura de salud por parte de nuestro empleador nos veremos afectados. Si la ley ACA se anula sin un plan mejor en su lugar, traerá el caos a los mercados de seguros. Queremos que los legisladores nos muestren su plan para mejorar el cuidado de cada estadounidense.

Los inmigrantes están siendo injustamente detenidos y las familias están siendo destrozadas. Barrios enteros están aterrorizados y frustrados con políticas que no hacen nada para aumentar la seguridad o la fortaleza de nuestra economía.

Nuestro último juez de la Corte Suprema ha socavado las leyes que protegen el medio ambiente, los derechos de los trabajadores y la seguridad. Siempre ha fallado en contra de los trabajadores en apoyo de las corporaciones ricas.

Únase a nuestro Equipo Resiste de Acción Rápida.

Logramos mucho cuando nos unimos y actuamos juntos.


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