Hillary for President 2016

The stakes in this election could not be higher for working people, who are working harder and longer just to make ends meet and build a better future for their families.

It’s time for higher wages, including for those of us educating and caring for our nation’s most precious resource: our children. And it’s time for comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship and a commitment to ending systemic racism. That’s SEIU Local 99 members’ agenda in 2016.

Hillary Clinton will fight, win and deliver on all of our issues. She believes in an economy that works for all of us, and a democracy where all of us have a voice. Together, with Clinton in the White House, we can become the most powerful force for change and win our fight for justice on all fronts and a better future for all families.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is a racist who stands for fear, hatred and greed. He thinks wages are too high and he could take away your union. He has called Mexicans “criminals and rapists,” wants to ban Muslims, calls women pigs, waffled over the endorsement of a former Ku Klux Klan leader and has the support of white supremacist groups. And he would appoint judges and justices who would rule with these sentiments for decades to come.

It’s not enough to reject Trump’s racism, sexism and bad ideas. His supporters WILL turn out in November. That means working families have to make the push for Hillary Clinton between now and then, and we have to show up and vote. The only sure way to stop Trump is to get to the polls and vote for Hillary Clinton and champions for working families up and down the ballot.

Our Values
Her Commitment

A Fair Economy

“If you work hard and do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead.”

Read more about her plan for an economy that works for everyone.

Justice and Equity

“These are not only problems of economic inequality. These are problems of racial inequity, and we need to say that loudly and clearly. These inequalities are wrong, but they’re also immoral. And it’ll be the mission of my presidency to bring them to an end. We have to begin by facing up to the reality of systemic racism.”

Read more about her plan to continue her fight for racial justice.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

“We have to finally and once and for all fix our immigration system—this is a family issue. It’s an economic issue too, but it is at heart a family issue.”

Read more about her commitment to fix our broken immigration system.


“We need a president who will fight for strong public schools in every ZIP code and every community across the country. I want to be that president. I want to fight for you and for educators, and for students and for families. I think they go together.”

Read more about her plans for K-12 education and higher education.

Child Care

“Let’s give child care workers a raise…and we’re going to make child care more affordable at the same time for families.”

And she’s been saying stuff like this for years! Check out this video clip from more than 20 years ago!

Hillary video from 1995 child care - small

Read more about her plans to make child care affordable for everyone and to raise wages in this extremely low-wage career.

Gun Violence

“I don’t know how we keep seeing shooting after shooting, read about the people murdered because they went to Bible study or they went to the movies or they were just doing their job, and not finally say we’ve got to do something about this.”

Read more about her plans to close loopholes in our gun policies.

Learn more about where Hillary stands on the issues

The candidates’ positions could not be more opposite:

The economy and unions…Clinton will raise wages and has always voted for higher wages, and she supports our 21st century movement of people joining together to fight for a better future. Trump has said wages are too high, he can’t make up his mind whether there should even be a minimum wage, and he would work with a Republican Congress and his hand-picked judges and justices to take away our right to unite in unions.

Child care and early education…Clinton has announced a Care Workers Initiative that will raise wages for child care workers, increase training and help them unite for a strong voice. Trump’s child care plan is built to benefit the wealthy.

Immigration…Clinton will introduce a commonsense immigration plan with a path to citizenship in her first 100 days. Trump will build a wall, ban Muslims and deport 11 million immigrants. Enough said.

Racial justice…Clinton is committed to addressing racial injustice in America, from ending mass incarceration to protecting everyone’s right to vote. Trump has waffled over the endorsement of a former Ku Klux Klan leader, has the support of white supremacist groups, supports racist voter ID laws and has inflamed racial tension with his hateful rhetoric.

Healthcare…Clinton helped pass the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), has fought for healthcare access her whole life and will protect and expand healthcare for our families through the Affordable Care Act; Trump has promised to take healthcare away from millions of families by abolishing Obamacare.

Our environment…Clinton agrees that we have to ensure our air and water are clean now… that we must address the reality that people of color, women and children are left most vulnerable to pollution… and that we have a moral obligation to leave our kids and grandkids a better planet. Trump doesn’t even believe in climate change.

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