Members at Options gear up to negotiate next job contract!

Do you care about your…

  1. Wages

  2. Benefits

  3. Working conditions

…at Options?

Be sure to stay informed during the bargaining process.

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Together, we can make things better at Options, Inc.

We’re getting ready to negotiate our next job contract with Options, Inc. This contract will establish our wages, benefits and working conditions—and it’s a chance for us to have a voice in those decisions.

We know some things need to change…

  • Cuts to early education funding.
  • No time for mandated reports.
  • No time for breaks or lunch.
  • Vacations are often not approved.
  • Different pay grades for same work.
  • Disrespect from management: “If you don’t like it, don’t work here.”

What exactly is a union?
A union is simply a group of employees united to make positive changes where they work and in their community. Unions are the only effective way for working people to have a strong voice on the job. And Unions are the only balance to disrespectful supervisors and bad working environments that effect the services we provide.

What exactly is a labor union contract?
Our contract with Options, Inc., is a legally-binding document that guarantees in writing our pay, benefits, hours, holidays, sick leave, staffing levels, seniority, safety, supplies and other working conditions. And unlike workplaces without a union contract, it means Options can’t change the terms of our employment.

We have less power when we act alone, but when we act together as a group we can affect real change. We have strength in numbers. For example, recently a group of us exercised our union rights to bring our concerns to Options CEO Cliff Marcussen about serious disrespect and intimidation from management. We were tired of not being heard when we brought significant workplace concerns to decision makers at Options. We were heard and have a new commitment from management to promote better communication and a respectful work environment.

How are contracts negotiated?
Our contracts are established through meaningful negotiations between our SEIU Local 99 Bargaining Team (made up of the co-workers we choose to represent us) and Options, Inc. Once these two sides agree on a contract, it doesn’t go into effect until we vote on it.

How can we improve our contract?
Every time we negotiate our next contract, we build on the gains we’ve already made. As we get closer to our upcoming negotiations, it’s important that we all complete Bargaining Surveys so that our co-workers on the Bargaining Team have a clear vision of what we want to win. Please click here to make sure that we have your correct contact info on file. This is how we can stay informed during the bargaining process. Communications will include:

  • Notification of Bargaining Team nominations and elections
  • Bargaining Survey
  • Bargaining Updates
  • Contract Ratification Vote details

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