Thank You Local 99 Members for Making Politics Work for Working Families

Thanks to the many Local 99 members who participated in phone banking, precinct walking and other voter outreach efforts to help re-elect Tom Torlakson to the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction. He has proven to be a leader in efforts to improve child care and early education, K-12 schools and higher education. And he has always recognized the contributions of education workers to student learning. We look forward to continuing to work with him as we move forward with our efforts to fully fund student services, gain a strong voice for child care providers, and secure summer unemployment benefits for school workers.

Check out this video of Tom Torlakson  walking a day in the shoes of LAUSD custodian Theresa Aguilar, working a full shift and experiencing first-hand the hard work 99 members do every day:


Thanks for helping to turn-out the vote!

Check out the photos from our Lynwood Precinct Walk!


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