Yes We Did! SEIU Local 99 Members Led Election Push to Save Our Schools

SEIU Local 99 Executive Director Courtni Pugh released the following statement on the Passage of Proposition 30

“Custodians, cafeteria workers, classroom aides and other SEIU Local 99 school workers led a major push to pass Proposition 30. We are proud to have made a difference in stopping the slow, steady starvation of our schools. The passage of Proposition 30 will help stabilize California’s school district budgets after $18 billion in cuts in the last four years.”

“SEIU Local 99 members have done double-duty for our schools: dedicating their free time to ensuring the passage of Proposition 30 and also accepting furlough days for several years to help close the budget gaps while preserving student services. Proposition 30 will finally ensure that the wealthiest Californians also do their fair share to keep our schools running.”

“Over two months, SEIU Local 99 led voter outreach efforts that contacted more than 10,000 voters through phone calls or face-to-face neighborhood precinct walks. SEIU Local 99 accomplished more than 1000 shifts of voter contact activities. Voter outreach also included over 40,000 pieces of mail to union members. The scale of our participation had to do with the scale of the issues we’re facing. Many SEIU Local 99 members not only work in our neighborhood public schools, they are also parents of students in the schools. Every day, they see and feel the impact of California’s budget cuts on students and families.”

“We were committed to ensuring that voters understood the importance of Proposition 30 on our children and our communities. This is truly a victory for California’s future.”

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