Fear is being used as a weapon to break apart families and terrorize immigrant communities.
Californians continue to say NO to the hate.
Legislation has been introduced in our state capitol to defend against oppressive and misguided immigration policies coming out of Washington, D.C., and build a lasting civic offensive to defend vulnerable communities.
Join us as we speak directly with legislators to urge them to pass legislation that will protect immigrant rights, keep families together and ensure that all students can learn in a safe environment.
Join us! Here are the details:
- The Sacramento trip is free and only for SEIU members, and includes meals and bus transportation. Members participate on their own time and, if necessary, must request vacation or other leave time from their employers to join the trip. This is a turnaround bus trip.
- Buses depart late night on Monday, May 29 from our sister union, SEIU-USWW, located at 828 W Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015.
- We meet with legislators on Tuesday, May 30 and return to Los Angeles late that night.
- Click here to RSVP today!
Here are the bills we’ll be advocating for:
SB-54 (DeLeon) Law enforcement sharing data Across the country, there are systems in place that target non-citizens for arrest. This criminalizes immigrant communities. SB-54 would prevent state and local resources from being used to fuel mass deportation. |
SB-6 (Hueso) Due Process for All Act Provides free legal services to undocumented immigrants during deportation proceedings to make sure they are treated fairly by the government. |
AB-21 (Kalra) Public postsecondary education: Access to Higher Education for Every Student Students have the right to learn in safe environments without fear of deportation or intimidation. This bill amends existing law to allow faculty and staff to report unlawful federal immigration activity on campus as a means to protect their students. |
AB-450 (Chiu) California Immigrant Workplace Protection Act Regardless of immigration status, ALL workers have certain rights and protections in the workplace. This bill fights back against federal immigration raids by requiring ICE provide a judicial warrant in order access a worksite. |