SEIU Local 99 partnered with the LA Fund for Public Schools in a new program that will provide breakfast for more students and help save cafeteria jobs for Local 99 members at the Los Angeles Unified School District. Under the program titled “Food for Thought,” Local 99 members will pack meals in the cafeteria and students will deliver the breakfast directly into the classrooms. By bringing breakfast to students, more children will benefit from the morning meal. Studies show that providing students with breakfast in the classroom leads to improved attendance, higher test scores, fewer tardies, and improved concentration on their studies. At the same time, this program will save jobs by bringing an estimated $23.46 million in revenue to LAUSD’s Food Services program over the next three years. The program will start at 267 targeted schools in the 2012-13 school year and phase in to a total of 676 schools by 2014-15.
“Breakfast in the classroom is a great example of how our union can work with parents, the school district and community groups to find solutions that benefits our children, support funding for our schools, and secure good jobs,” said SEIU Local 99 President Eddie Reed.