Healthcare Contract Ratified! No increases to our rates!

We won an agreement that LACOE will pick up the increased cost of the benefits for 2016. This means that if you stay in the same plan you currently have, you will not pay any more than you are paying now. We also won reimbursement for our October through December premiums.

Your Bargaining Teams thank you!

36% of Unit Members came out to cast their vote for the Tentative Agreement dated October 2, 2015.  Thank you to all who came out to have your voice heard and participated to ratify our Tentative Agreement on Monday, October 12th!  We realize this was a super short notice and we did not have time to mail ballots.  Your Stewards truly appreciate you taking the time to cast your vote.

See below for more details on our agreement. Please find the current rate sheets here. Updated rate charts were sent via LACOE_Postoffice as well.

2015-2018 FULL Contraction Negotiations are still in session!

We seek Dignity and Respect!

Rest assured we will provide sufficient time for mail-in ballots as well as in-person voting.

Are you receiving emails from Beverly Carter?  If not, please send her an email in order to be added to the LACOE SEIU Distribution List.



Please find the Benefits Agreement here.  Here are some highlights:

Item 1– the contribution you pay, if any, towards your benefits for the months of October 2015, November 2015 and December 2015 will be reimbursed by the office in February 2016. THIS IS NOT A RETRO!

Item 2 – The office is picking up the increased cost of the benefits for 2016.  This means that if you stay in the same plan you current have, you will not pay any more than you are paying now. Updated rate chart will be sent via LACOE_Postoffice.

 Item 3 – The office pays every year.  These are the run-off costs at the end of year.

 Item 4 – Opportunity to “Opt Out”.  If you can provide evidence of health coverage, you may “opt out” of LACOE medical plans.  You shall receive $2000 for 2016, to be paid $200/mo. for 10 months.  There must be at least 57 employees participating in the opting out plan to active this payment.  We have reached this minimum. Please find the forms here.



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