Become (or Remain) a Union Steward

Take the Lead at Your Worksite

Stewards are the solid foundation of a strong, democratic, and effective Local 99. Stewards are the informed, organized, and active leaders that lead the way to strengthen and enforce our contracts, change unfair policies at work, tear down discrimination in the workplace, and build a strong workplace union. Here’s how you can become — or remain — a SEIU Local 99 Steward at your worksite:

NEW Stewards:

1. PETITION: You must collect supporting signatures on the official Local 99 Steward Nomination Form. Please note: a new nomination form became available on October 29, 2010. The previous form will only be accepted until November 12, 2010. After that date, only new nomination petitions will be accepted.

Click here for a copy of the new Steward Nomination Form and instructions.

Completed petitions should be forwarded to the Local 99 main office: 2724 W. 8th St. Los Angeles, CA 90005.

2. TRAINING: New stewards must complete two (2) trainings within six (6) months of first being elected as a steward. To register for trainings, click here.

3. UNION STRENGTH ACTIVITIES: All stewards must engage in at least one of the following activities throughout the course of every year as a steward: attend union rallies; attend appropriate Industry Division meetings; mobilize co-workers on a worksite issue; participate in a Local Union committee; conduct worksite meetings; or participate in a Local Union sponsored campaign.


1. PETITION: Stewards are elected (by petition) for a term of two years. This means that you must submit a new steward petition every two years to continue as an “active” Local 99 steward. Stewards are notified in writing by the Local when their two-year terms are expiring. The petition requirements for continuing stewards are the same as for new stewards (see above).

Click here for a copy of the New Steward Nomination Petition.

2. TRAINING: Continuing (re-elected) stewards must complete one training in the first six months of their new term. To register for training, click here.

3. UNION STRENGTH ACTIVITIES: All stewards must engage in at least one of the following activities throughout the course of every year as a steward: attend union rallies; attend appropriate Industry Division meetings; mobilize co-workers on a worksite issue; participate in a Local Union committee; conduct worksite meetings; or participate in a Local Union sponsored campaign.

INACTIVE Stewards:

Local 99 stewards who do not maintain all of the requirements to be a steward are considered “inactive.” Stewards who are inactive will be notified in writing of their inactive status, the reasons for their inactive status, and shall have the opportunity to become active.

Authority: SEIU Local 99 Constitution and Bylaws, Article 10, Section 2 and Article 12, Section 14

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