If you are not currently registered to vote, now is the time to do it!
Tip: Register as a “Vote-by-Mail” voter and never miss an election! Select ‘Yes’ during the registration process when asked if you want to get your ballot by mail before each election. (See below)
Also, if you’re a resident of Los Angeles County, you can check to see if you’re already registered at the County Registrar’s website at www.LAVote.net.
SEIU Member Candidate and Ballot Endorsements
Need voting recommendations or have questions about voting? > Download the SEIU Local 99 Voter Guide
Proposition 55
Members, we urge you to vote down the ballot using the SEIU Local 99 Voter Guide, but if you are going to vote on anything on November 8th, vote ‘Yes’ on Proposition 55.
Proposition 55 maintains for 12 years after the end of 2018, the current tax rate on the wealthiest Californians. Remember Prop. 30 and how we fought to pass that? Prop. 55 is an extension of it. Revenue generated from this tax will continue to keep our schools funded.
We’re talking about an estimated $8 billion a year for schools and community college, which means stable funding to protect all of us in public education from going back to the painful days of cuts and furloughs. Learn more about Proposition 55 and get involved in our voter outreach efforts at seiu99.org/prop55.