May 18, 2016
Bellflower Child Care Provider and SEIU Local 99 Treasurer Tonia McMillian was sworn in today as a Public Board Member to the Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC). Part of the state’s Consumer Affairs Department, this board protects the public from incompetent, unprofessional or criminal practice of physical therapy.
Leaders in Sacramento know McMillian from her years of advocating for children, their parents and other child care providers.
“I’ve watched as more than $1 billion was cut from the state’s affordable child care budget. I’ve seen families suffer,” said McMillian. “That’s why I’ve been meeting with legislators in Sacramento and here in their district offices for the past 12 years. And recently, I joined SEIU’s fight for a $15 hourly wage, something that child care providers can only wish for at this point. We earn as little as $4.98 an hour after paying our assistants and buying meals for the children.”
On the seven-person board, McMillian will be one of only two members of the board commissioned to represent the general public. One is appointed by the Senate leader (that’s McMillian), the other by the Speaker of the Assembly. All five other board members are Physical Therapy professionals.
McMillian was required to complete several days of training and orientations to prepare for her seat on this board. She begins hearing cases immediately.
“At first it wasn’t really clear to me how this fits in to my life. But I know it will be a great journey where I will learn more about how state government works. I can take this knowledge back to other SEIU Local 99 members and hopefully provide insight as we work to improve things like California’s child care system and Summer Unemployment Insurance for school workers,” said McMillian. “And I like that I’ll be advocating for consumers. As long as I can impact anybody’s life and make it better, then count me in!”