Ms. Ratliff, Dr. McKenna – Classified School Employee Week 2016 (Res-053-15/16) (Waiver of Board Rule 72)
Whereas, The Los Angeles Unified School District wishes to recognize those persons who are dedicated in their service to public education;
Whereas, In 1986, the California State Legislature decreed the third full week of May each year as Classified School Employee Week in official recognition of classified school employees, by passage of Senate Bill 1552 (Campbell);
Whereas, the California Department of Education encourages all public schools to annually observe the contributions of classified school employees for the contributions they make to the educational community;
Whereas, the Classified School Employees Association chose “Everyday Heroes” as the 2016 theme for Classified School Employee Week, referring to the valuable daily services of hard working school employees, including clerical and technical employees, as well as bus drivers, instructional aides, special education assistants, food service providers, security officers, maintenance workers, and others, provide to the students, faculty, staff, and families of the District;
Whereas, Classified school employees contribute to the establishment and promotion of a positive school climate and optimal instructional environment at each school within the District;
Whereas, Classified school employees perform vital roles in promoting the welfare and safety of the District’s students, faculty and staff; and
Whereas, Classified school employees comprise an integral part of the District community; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District hereby recognizes and appreciates the contributions and dedicated service of classified professionals to quality education in the State of California and in the District; and, be it finally
Resolved, That the Board hereby declares the week of May 15 – 21, 2016, as Classified School Employee Week in the District.