As we begin our contract negotiations on health care and contractual committees to increase hours, address workload and expand job training, we need the District to know that we stand strong and united.
You can help strengthen our fight by making sure you’re an official SEIU Local 99 member. As an official union member, you let your school site and the District know that you’re serious about winning better wages, increased work hours, access to healthcare, worksite protections and better schools for our kids.
Plus, you have a stronger voice in all of our efforts: only official union members can vote on our contracts with the District. To find out if you’re an official member, check your paycheck. If it says “Agency Fee Payer,” you’re not an official union member.
There is no additional cost to become a union member. You’ll continue to pay the same amount in union dues, but you’ll gain a stronger voice on the job.
Become a Local 99 Member Today
Apply for membership online today or call Local 99’s Member Resource Center at 213-637-0296 to have a copy of the Membership Application form mailed to you.