This year, we have come the closest ever to achieving real immigration reform that would prevent abusive employers from driving down wages, ensure families are not separated by mass deportations, and allow millions of aspiring Americans to fully contribute to our country.
In June, the U.S. Senate passed a comprehensive, bipartisan immigration bill (S.744). Unfortunately, the Republican leadership in the House continues to delay a vote on the bill.
On November 12 a group of activists, including former SEIU Secretary Treasurer Eliseo Medina, set up a tent in front of the U.S. Capitol and began a fast to urge Republican leaders to vote for immigration reform with a path to citizenship. They were visited by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama who wore white ribbons as a symbol of their support. On December 3, the core group of activists ended their fast and passed on their s support the fasters and show Congress that our nation stands together for justice.
To read more about the Fast for Families Click Here.
Here’s how you can stand in solidarity to fix our broken immigration system:
Wear a white ribbon to show your support.
Contact your Local 99 Steward or Organizer for ribbons.
Take a photo of you and family or co-workers wearing the white ribbons.
In your photo, hold a sign with your message of support, such as: “Congress Vote on the Bill” or “Immigration Reform Now!”
Email your photo to
Look for your photo on our website. Your photo may also appear on our SEIU Local 99 Facebook page and Twitter feed. We’’ll make sure members of Congress and the fasters receive your photo message of support.