Come get updates on issues in your worksite division, including how the upcoming election in November will impact jobs and services. Then join us for a special training on how we can start to make the economy work for the 99% of us who are not super rich.
Industry Division Meeting
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools
701 South Catalina Street
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Parking entrance on 8th St.
I. Registration 8:30 am – 9:30 am
II. Call to Order 9:30 am
III. Industry Division Meeting Ground Rules
A. Raise your hand to be recognized to speak
B. One person speaks at a time
C. Be respectful of others (agree to disagree peacefully)
D. No foul language
E. Listen to the speakers
IV. E-Board Report
A. LAUSD Furloughs
B. LAUSD Contract Negotiations Update
V. Committee Reports
A. Budget & Finance Committee Member Recommendations
VI. Break 11:00 am – 11:30 am
VII. All In to Win Trainings 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Bring your union card.