SEIU Local 99 Members Ratify New Contract with LACCD

Voting over a 22-day period, SEIU Local 99 members at LACCD overwhelmingly ratified our 2011- 2014 Contract. Votes were counted on June 26, 2012.



1. Article 3 Nondiscrimination and Diversity Commitment

  • Section C – Provides language and a process to address harassment that is not sexual in nature.

2. Article 6 Union Rights

  • Section A – Requires the employer to provide you with a mailbox.
  • Section C – Clarifies our right to information that affects this unit.
  • Section E, 3 – Gives you the right to have a 30 minute Union meeting after a regularly scheduled meeting, during work hours.
  • Section I – Strengthens your right to be consulted about policy changes that affect unit members.
  • Section F – Clarifies release time and compensatory time off for Negotiations
  • Section K – Increases the FTE from .5 (1040 hours) to .625 (1300 hours)

3. Article 8 Hours and Overtime

  • Section A, 2 – Clarifies the alternative workweek process and what constitutes time worked
  • Section A, 3 – Eliminates the alternative method for time reporting on an alternative schedule.
  • Section A, 5 – Requires the district to negotiate over the impact of a shift elimination.
  • Section A, 7 – Establishes a pilot program in the Custodial area to develop a custodial manning formula, or time and motion study, and develop assignments based on that formula.
  • Section A, 8 – Restricts the district from requiring you to involuntarily change your work schedule more than 2 times per year.
  • Section C, 3 – Requires the overtime log to be posted at all times.
  • Section C,4 – Clarifies eligibility for employees on alternative schedules.
  • Section E, 3 – Clarifies Management’s requirement to allow you to take additional recovery time depending on the tasks being performed and the work environment.

4. Article 9 Leaves of Absence

  • Section 4 – Adds registered domestic partner, aunt, uncle, cousin and close friend to the definition of immediate family under bereavement. It also eliminates Management’s right to determine the amount of leave to be granted.
  • Section 10 – Updates and clarifies the military leave language.
  • Section 11 – Gives you the right to take an unpaid rest leave for up to 2 years with a written opinion of a physician or other licensed practitioner.
  • Section 13 – Increases the number of Personal Necessity days from 7 to 8.
  • Section 15 – Increases the number of employees that can be released for Convention/Union activities from 5 to 9 per year.
  • Section 16 – Clarifies Organizational Leave for an employee who serves as officers of SEIU.

5. Article 11 Safety

  • Section B – Clarifies the district responsibility to make appropriate safety equipment and gear available.
  • Section J – Increases the safety shoe reimbursement from $50 once per year to $75 twice per year.

6. Article 12 Performance Evaluation Procedures

  • Section B – Restricts a supervisor to only evaluate an employee for the period time he/she actually supervised him/her.
  • Section G – Voids counseling memorandums after 2 years except those dealing with serious misconduct.

7. Article 13 Vacation

  • Section Q – Prevents Jury Duty leave from being a disqualifier for the perfect attendance incentive.
  • Section H – Requires the employer to grant your vacation unless it unduly interferes with the operation of the college. It also prevents the employer from denying your vacation solely because it was not turned in 15 working days in advance.

8. Article 14 Holidays

  • Section A – Adds the current holiday of Cesar Chavez Day to the list of paid Holidays in your contract.

9. Article 15 Uniforms, Tools, and Personal Property

  • Section C – Provides adequate changing facilities for employees required to wear uniforms.
  • Section D – Adds a reference to Board Rule 101500 to file claims concerning damage and/or loss incurred to any personal property.

10. Article 18 Special Pay Practices

  • Section B – Modifies the shift differential to start at 3:00pm instead of 5:00pm.
  • Section C – Increases the compensation for Crew Leader from $3.02 to $5.00 per day. It also requires a selection process.

11. Article 23 Committees

  • Section A – Increases the number of stewards on the District-wide committee from 5 to 10 with no more than 2 stewards per college. It also clarifies that participants are eligible for compensatory time from their regular duties to enable them to participate in the meeting.
  • Section C – Requires the union to appoint 1 Local 99 member at each campus to serve on the District Office and District –wide Planning and Advisory Committee (PAC) and any shared government committee that will have a direct affect on Local 99 employees.


Click here for the full language of the Tentative Agreement.

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