Here’s how Local 99 can help:
- Our Member Resource Center is available to answer your questions at (213) 637-0296.
- We will continue to provide jobs information in our Local 99 Jobs Clearinghouse. Check frequently at:
- SEIU Local 99 works in partnership with the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor’s Community Services Program, which assists union members in meeting basic needs during difficult financial times. Services such as emergency food, shelter, utilities, and rent assistance are available to those who meet eligibility requirements. Financial crisis planning services are also available. Local 99’s Member Resource Center is available to help you access these services. Please gather all documents related to your urgent circumstances (such as past due notices and/or eviction papers) and then contact the Member Resource Center at (213) 637-0296.
- Local 99 partners with Los Angeles County Federation of Labor’s Community Services Program to operate a Food Pantry to serve the community and our members! Members in need or who know of families in need should contact the Member Resource Center at (213) 637-0296.
- Union Plus offers some unique services to SEIU Local 99 members. Some require that you have a Union Plus credit card and/or mortgage. For details, visit:
- SEIU Local 99 has worked closely with NALEO (National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials) to connect members with immigration resources. Please visit to learn more.
- Our International Union offers a variety of scholarships for members and their families who seek to improve their careers through higher education. For information and links to application forms, please visit
- Our member committees continue to think of ways to respond to the recession and all its damage, such as community health faisr, coordination with community groups, and lobbying against further budget cuts.
Immediate steps to take:
- As soon as you are laid off, immediately apply for unemployment. If you have any questions about how to do this, contact the Employment Development Department at or call 1-800-300-5616. (It sometimes takes a few tries to get through—especially since there have also been staff reductions and furloughs here, too.)
- Begin looking for work. Two good places to start are Local 99’s Jobs Clearninghouse (mentioned above) and your nearest WorkSource Center ( Also, for laid off LAUSD employees, please call the District’s outplacement services at (213) 353-4300.
If things get worse for you and your family:
- Contact the County. Dial 211 or log on to (click the “services” tab) for information on food, transportation, health, and shelter assistance.
Also, the city of Los Angeles’ Family Source Centers offer assistance. For the center nearest you, see - The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Office of Women’s Health offers free and low-cost health screenings for low-income women without health insurance. Call (800) 793-8090 for an appointment.
- The Downtown Women’s Center is an excellent resource. They offer a variety of services and they welcome walk-ins. They are located at 442 S. San Pedro St., Los Angeles, 90013.
- There are a variety of eviction resources in the community.