Claudia Iraheta, Virginia Valverde, and Christzann Ozan are sworn in by President Eddie Reed.
Our newest SEIU Local 99 Executive Board Delegates were sworn in on October 19, 2013. These new members fill vacancies in the Early Education, Higher Education and Retiree Divisions. Ballots were counted on September 24th, 2013. The following are our new Board Members as certified by the American Arbitration Association:
Higher Education Division – Christzann Ozan
Retiree Division – Virginia Valverde
Early Education Division – Claudia Iraheta
These new leaders pledged to…
Provide effective and responsible leadership, work to improve the lives of working people; help elect pro-worker politicians, and not knowingly wrong a member or see a member wronged if it is in their power to prevent it.
(Click Here for the complete Oath of Office.)
Congratulations to our new member leaders and thank you to every member who participated in this process.
Please refer to SEIU Local 99’s Constitution and Bylaws Article 12 for the complete language regarding elections, offices and procedures. Copies of the Constitution & Bylaws are available at our union offices or Click Here.