I am being bullied, harassed or discriminated against at work. What can I do?

Is it really discrimination?
Review this document carefully to determine if the issue you’re experiencing fits the legal definition of harassment or discrimination. If not, please consult your Steward or submit an Online Local 99 Resource Form for contract grievances or other workplace issues.

No one should tolerate this kind of treatment on the job, whether we’re in a union or not. But sometimes, for workers without a union, it can be scary to stand up against aggression from a supervisor or co-worker. But because we have the strength of our union behind us, we can courageously stand up for fair and respectful treatment. Union members have a special responsibility to put an end to any behavior that creates a hostile work environment. The District prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a complaint or anyone who participates in a complaint investigation.

Here are the steps to take first:

  1. Submit a Discrimination/Harassment/Retaliation Complaint Form to your immediate supervisor or your supervisor’s supervisor.
  2. Bring all of your union vision when answering the section of the form asking “What remedy are you seeking to resolve your complaint?” Think of your other co-worker, too. What would improve the work environment for everyone and what would allow you to deliver excellent student services? Include these ideas in your response. Attach extra pages if necessary to answer this portion thoroughly.
  3. Make a copy for yourself, including copies of any supporting documents.

If the issue is not resolved as a result of taking these actions, then immediately call your Steward or Union Organizer and be prepared to supply copies of your completed Complaint Form and all of your supporting documents. If you do not have a worksite Steward or cannot reach your Union Organizer, submit an Online Local 99 Resource Form.

Learn more about what you can do to stop discrimination on the job by visiting the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website.

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